Monday, October 1, 2007

In Nice with Nico

Nice, France

I just arrived in Nice about an hour ago. I had intended to get in earlier, but I didn't leave enough time to get my ticket in Aix en Provence. I got to the station about a half an hour before the bus left. Little did I know that it would move slower than the DMV at its busiest. It was painful, but I focused on just breathing and trusting that everything would work out. I did miss the intended schedule, so I bought my ticket for the next one. I would take a bus from Aix to Marseilles, and the train from Marseilles to Nice. Before getting on the bus, I met a German guy named Julian. We talked pretty much the whole bus ride. When we got to Marseilles, I had a two hour layover, so we walked down the street and ate lunch outside a little cafe. I am using Couchsurfing once again, and this time I'm staying with a French guy named Nico who is 29 years old, works as a grip in the film industry, and is currently preparing purple artichokes for us for dinner. He picked me up from the train station and brought me back to the apartment. He showed me around and told me to treat everything as if it were my apartment. I am amazed by the generosity of the French people I am/have been staying with. Unfortunately he won't be able to show me around as he's working all week, but if I stay until Sunday, he'll take me canyoning - which, as I understand it, means climbing up or down a narrow canyon as water flows through it. So we shall see. Every day I am more and more certain that I will extend my stay in Europe. I am enjoying the freedom of being able to stay longer in a place if I choose. Au revoir.

I had a great time with my hosts in Aix en Provence. One of the girls, Stephanie, is now a good friend, I feel. I went with them to Montpellier for the weekend and it was nice. Steph and I shared lots of funny moments as my wacky personality came to the surface. I had only been with my Aix hosts for five days and already I felt as if it was my home. I was slightly sad to leave this morning.


Anonymous said...

RJ, Nancy and I have read through all your comments. We laughed and
cried. You are having too much fun
and we wish we were there. RJ says
bring back some French girls; Nancy
says, "come back soon" and Auntie
is just smiling and wishing you the
best ever...this is such a good time for you!! We do, however, miss you a lot. Am living your
experiences inasmch as most of where you are...I have been.
love ya, auntie

Anonymous said...

You are having the experience of a lifetime,Jordan--and yet, I believe this is just the beginning for you! I, too, laugh out loud when I'm reading your blogs--I feel like I'm experiencing it with you. Isn't it amazing how "small" the world really is? And I knew you would make friends wherever you went. I couldn't be happier for you--the sooner you decide to extend your trip, the better--so you can work it out with American Airlines. Je t'aime--murm (parlez vous Francaise?)