Thursday, October 4, 2007

Day Trip Adventures

Nice, France

Today I went on another day trip. First I went to Monaco. It was like a poor attempt at a Disneyland for adults. Very, very lame. Interestingly, I met some Italians who didn't speak English, so of course I tried to have a conversation with them. I realized how little Italian I know. However, at one point, one lady was speaking very quickly and yet I understood her completely. It was like a Twilight Zone. After leaving the land of Monotony, I mean Monaco, I decided to heed my host's advice and make a stop in a small town called VilleFranche. I am SO glad I did. It was beautiful. It was peaceful. There weren't hoardes of people milling about and taking photographs. It was so quaint and delightful. I wandered around the harbor for awhile, taking pictures and enjoying the sound of the ocean gently splashing against the rocks. I ate dinner outside at a cafe, a few feet from the water. While there was a dead bird in the water initially, it floated away after a few minutes, and the experience was once again exquisite. I ate baked sea scallops and foie gras in Port. Scrumptious. Such a beautiful little town... I think I will have a villa there. I walked to the train station and purchased a ticket from a machine, thinking I would make the supposed 9:30 train (according to a guy on a scooter with an eyebrow piercing). Well there was no 9:30 train. Every time I heard a noise or saw train lights, I jumped up, only to have the train fly by without stopping or sail by going the opposite direction. I started to think that the French were watching me with a camera and taunting me by sending by all sorts of trains without stopping. At 10:00, a little over an hour after I arrived, I started to worry that a train wasn't coming. Luckily, some other lifeforms arrived we waited together. The scheduled 10:34 train didn't come, so the Americans I was talking with kindly gave me a ride in their rental car and dropped me in Nice as they were passing through.
After all that walking and waiting, I am hungry. I think I will eat a pastry.


Anonymous said... have such a wonderful gift of gab...I love the pictures! I love your are having so many interesting experiences and truly learning to live and let live--go with the flow. I am especially enjoying your epicurian adventures--wish I was there! Je t'aime...murm

P.S. Samson says, "Je t'aime, aussie!"

Anonymous said...

Oh Jordan! I want to be there with you!!! Sounds so wonderful... love you!!!