Wednesday, October 3, 2007

You Cannes do it!

Nice, France

Please excuse the silly blog title. I wanted to think of something clever, but I am very exhausted and so it was down to, "You Cannes do it," "I Cannes do it," or "I think I Cannes". And the selection committee has since dispersed to smoke lots of cigarettes and drink lots of wine as they, "Live it up, Frenchie style," according to their spokesperson. What any of that means, I haven't the foggiest, as they say in the North. (Note: They don't actually say that in the North, at least not frequently enough to have that saying attributed to them, whoever they are.) So, I went to Cannes today. I was escorted by a lovely French lady who I met yesterday afternoon here in Nice whilst looking for the tourist office. She used to live in Cannes so she was able to show me the 'happening spots'. (Note: To the best of my knowlege, there are in fact no real 'happening spots' in Cannes. This description was just created for the sake of making Cannes sound more interesting.) Truly beautiful though, was a little, quiet beach where we ate our sandwiches. The water was crisp and calm. Several old people swam about. At one point it sprinkled a bit which was quite refreshing. Later, while looking out over the city, it rained a bit harder. And I enjoyed every moment of it, Thank you Tucson! (The comment at the end of the last sentence is referring to the place I grew up, Tucson's lack of rain during the majority of the year, thus causing me to Love the rain and think of it as sacred.)
I started taking pictures of French dogs in Paris and realized that I would continue this throughout my travels in France, and perhaps the rest of Europe. So today in Cannes I was very pleased with the dogs that I was fortunate enough to photograph. In fact, my now dear friend and host from Aix, Stephanie, taught me how to precisely and politely ask in French if I may take a photograph of your dog, sir or madam. And here it is: Puige pond une photo de votre chien, si vous plais? If you are French and reading this, I apologize for bastardizing your language with such horrific grammar in the above sentence.
Hrm dee drm... (That is me thinking) Okay, I'll be honest, thinking is very difficult right now. My eyes just want to slam shut and shut down the mainframe. Wow, okay, I think when I start using computer analogies it's time for me to say bonsoir. Bonsoir.

Wait! I thought of something. It was cool to be in Cannes today, because that's where I'll be next May to win an award for my short film. Okay that's all, Nico just walked into the room with a gorgeous looking plate of salad, smoked salmon and bread. He thinks it is basic, but for me it is pure luxury. Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jordan, Ryan wants to see your pix
of the dogs and hopes that you do
not have an editor yet because dogs
are right up his alley! And, he would like the job. He wants to read the other posts. Where have they gone? He needs to catch up cause he was waiting for you to email him with your address. And. was he ever surprised to find that you already had emailed everyone else but him. Don't worry. He is
a forgiving editor cause he still wants to edit your canine documentary. Can you send some more picures of yourself? We are
all very interested here at the "ole' stomping grounds". Can
you do a one minute video piece and we would do a podcast of your
travels. Oh, oh, when Ryan starts
to think we all get into trouble.
Anyway, it is Monday; lunch is over
and we need to get back to work.
we all love and MISS you! Auntie