Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stranger in a Strange Land

Prague, Czech Republic

Yes, I am in Prague. It is very strange. For the first time in my life, I am really in a foreign place where I don't speak the language whatsoever and the only person I really know is my travel companion, Josh.
It all started a couple days ago when Josh and I realized that we might not use all of our travel days on our Eurail pass before it expires. So two days ago, in Florence, we decided to just have a crazy train adventure, travelling to far off lands. We chose Prague (Praha, in Czech) first. Yesterday we travelled on four trains for 16 hours. It was intense. We arrived at 10:45 and spent an hour wandering around looking for a hostel. We found one that cost 400 Crowns, approximately 18 US dollars. We took our monstrous packs to the room and then headed out into the night. We ate some sausages with mustard and sauerkraut from a late night stand. We took pictures of random things. Then we meandered back to our hostel. The hostel has definitely contributed to my sense of feeling so foreign. It's like a converted old hospital or something, so sterile and cold. This morning, while retrieving my watch from behind the "bed" -- really some bizarre couch without a back, covered with a sheet -- I pulled up a black stocking. Fortunately, they offer free internet, so I am here. And to be honest, checking my email and blogging really makes me feel more connected. I can't put it into words though how truly strange it is to be in a place where you don't understand anything and are fully reliant on the kindness, and ability to speak English, of others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Jordan: Have been out of town for over a week. Just read all of your emails. Amazing experiences you are having! If you
would tell me where you are going perhaps I could give you some travel trips. If you are currently in Prague I would say that it looks different because of this country and others like Romania and Hungary being under communism domination for so long.
I am sure you are spending time in
the city square. I would like to suggest that you take some of your money to go to one of the three Opera houses to attend an opera or ballet. They are beautiful and
you would enjoy the event. Watch
out for the Russian cab drivers....they will take advantage of you in a second! Miss you and love you, Auntie