Saturday, October 20, 2007

I Love Cinque Terre

Riomaggiore (Cinque Terre), Italy

Life is truly incredible here in Cinque Terre. My new travel buddy Josh and I arrived a couple days ago. We were stopped in the street by a woman who offered us a place to stay. It's a nice little apartment with two double beds and one bunk bed, as well as a kitchen. It's been delightful to stay there, mostly due to the fact that Josh has been preparing dinner the past few evenings. The day we arrived, we spent the afternoon on the stone beach in Corniglia, the middle town of the five. We had a wonderful time skipping stones, building a stone tower, swimming (I did), and watching the vibrant, crimson sun drip into the ocean. Yesterday we hiked from the last town, Monterosso, to the fourth town, Vernazza. It was a somewhat difficult hike, but we stopped every twenty feet to take pictures. So we managed to finish that one hike between two towns in only six hours. Today we hiked between the other four towns. Today was cold and overcast in the morning. While hiking along, it rained occasionally, which I enjoyed. We met two Americans, Ben and Stephanie. We all hiked together. At one point, we hiked up some steps off the path. They lead to an old abandoned house. It was very strange. The rooms were filled with deteriorating furniture and debris. There was an old, rusty scooter out front. While exploring the wooden sheds, we discovered tons of bottles and large containers for wine, as well as the instruments to bottle wine. And strangely, the bathroom was in very good condition. Amidst the debris strewn about the floor of the shed, we discovered a cat skeleton, still intact. I climbed across the side of a slanted rock face to join my compatriots when I was attacked by the limb of an agave. It slashed me twice on the forehead. However, there need not be alarm, as it seems to be a minor flesh wound and recovery will be rapid. I can't tell you how beautiful Cinque Terre is... and I can't upload pictures as this computer doesn't have the capability. Let me just tell you though, there is such peace here. I thought Como was beautiful, and it is, but this is just stunning. Hiking alongside vineyards. Looking down from 50 or 100 feet and being able to see through the spectrum of blues and greens that is the ocean to the rocks beneath. Strolling through quaint towns with multi-colored buildings. And brilliant, glorious sunsets. Cinque Terre is truly a place to relax and appreciate the beauty of life. Today in Corniglia, the two people we were with stopped into a frozen yogurt place for a treat. There was an older gentleman with a fluffy, white beard serving the frozen yogurt. I asked if I could take a picture and he agreed (which hasn't been my experience with several other people), and then suggested that I get a picture with him. I stood next to him and he put his arm around me and squeezed me close, smiling and joking as the picture was taken. He was such a cheery man. It's people like Roberto the yogurt man that make Italy special.

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