Friday, December 21, 2007

Back in Town

Tucson, Arizona, USA

My belly is full of hamburgers right now, the second time in two days. That was my one priority when arriving back in the U.S. After being greeted by my Mom, Dad, and brother, Matthew at the airport two nights ago, I decided that we would dine at In N' Out Burger, a delicious, fresh fast food restaurant that's been around since the 1950's. It was great to see my family. I put on my zilaba so that they would be surprised. And I knew that my dad and brother would react adversely and playfully tell me to take it off, which, of course, they did. I'm pretty exhausted right now, although I do think I'm almost back on the local time.
I flew from Paris to Dallas, Texas and then from Dallas to Tucson. On the plane to Tucson, a man took out some dollars to pay for his wine. I saw him counting the dollars and it was very strange to me. After using Euros, and other foreign currencies, for over three months, to see US dollars seemed foreign to me. And earlier when I saw a woman using her cellphone, I thought about my use of a cellphone. That too seemed very bizarre, the idea of me using a cellphone. The idea of driving did not seem strange though. In fact, I was excited about it.
Someone told me at some point in the past week that it would be very different after returning home. This would be due mainly in part to the fact that I had been traveling and changing over the past three months whereas everyone and everything at home is exactly the same as it was before. Well this was very true. My Mom, Dad, brother, and dog were all pretty much the same, except that Samson, my dog, had a cool, new haircut that makes his tail look like that of a rabbit. It was one of my fears that I would come back to the States and settle back into the way of living from before. Obviously, I can prevent that from happening, I just have to be conscious of it. My little bunny-rabbit, snowball, sheep-boy of a dog is curled up and drifting off to the sweet world of dreams and gumdrops. I shall like to join him, so I will continue at another time.

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