Friday, November 9, 2007


Seville, Spain

Wow. I just had such a wonderful laugh at the comment that Ally made about my previous blog entry. If you haven't yet read it, I suggest you do so now. So Spain, here I am. It's definitely different from Italy. It seems a lot more modern and cosmopolitan. I'm almost completely transitioned from thinking in the few Italian phrases that I knew, to thinking in Spanish. Although I'm still getting accustomed to saying my "c's" and "z's" as "th." I arrived today from Granada. I was there for a couple days. It was a quiet little city. Nothing special for me. I spent a whole day at the Alhambra, a large, ancient Arabic palace/fortress that is a huge tourist attraction. The designs were incredibly intricate. The gardens were well-groomed. However, I discovered that I prefer to watch living things, such as animals, bees, people, and even flowers and trees, versus old, lifeless buildings. Even buildings that required amazing skill or countless years of effort, I still just don't feel very connected. At least that's how I felt about the Alhambra. I was tired so I took a nap at the top of the highest tower. I was awakened after awhile by a noisy Japanese tour group. Also, interesting fact about Granada, apparently it is extremely common to smoke hash/pot. According to my couchsurfing host Pablo, it's more common and acceptable than in Amsterdam. Just thought I'd throw out that delightful little tidbit. Walking around the city, Pablo and I were propositioned by a normal-looking middle-aged woman to sell us pot. Later, in broad daylight people were smoking joints in the plaza, several plazas actually. My camera completely broke yesterday... I can not even take blurry, abstract pictures. I turn it on and it just beeps angrily at me and then flashes E18 at the lower corner of the LCD screen. I was desperate so I unscrewed the case and took it off, it's two pieces actually. Interestingly enough, my CANON camera is composed of several parts, including the LCD screen, manufactured by SONY. Odd, huh? I thought so.
Well, there's more to write, but for now, I'm off to a bar with some fellow travellers staying in the hostel here. Hasta luego.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So...what about Milano? Oh, wrong blog, sorry! But, it was funny...really, not overdone at all! I can't tell you how much I look forward to each new blog--they make my day! Love you sooo much, Jordan. Hasta luego. su mama