Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Arrived in Paris!

Wow. I am exhausted! It's four o'clock here and for my body it's eight in the morning. I feel like sleeping, but I'm doing what I can to stay awake so that maybe I can have a seamless adaptation to the new time zone. I was a bit overwhelmed at the airport after getting through customs and everything. I purchased a phone card and then made several attempts to call the friend of my aunt's who I will be staying with for a couple days. I left some messages, but didn't know if it was his phone. I managed to get directions for the metro to the man's address (his name is Dick). The train ride from the airport into the city was quite interesting. So much graffitti on the walls. I had to endure a muslim woman singing way out of tune trying to make money. I wondered if the purpose was for her to sing until someone paid her to stop. After getting to Dick's abode, we talked for a bit and then he took me around the neighborhood. He is very centrally located. Dick is quite an interesting fellow. Definately a character for a movie, as is his apartment a location for the same movie. I think I'm worrying too much about theft. I also can't perceive staying at a hostel with my large pack and whatnot, but I'm sure that as I adjust to this time zone, I'll feel a lot more comfortable about everything. That's all for now. Bonsoir.


Brenda said...

So excited to hear from you Jordan! Dick will be a great resource and good'll feel a lot better after a good night's sleep :-) love you lots! Mom

Anonymous said...

I miss you and love you so much!!! I am so happy/ excited for you. Can't wait to continue the journey in europe vicariously through you!
Ally (Shmal)